Your thoughtful donation will most certainly make a difference!

Thank You!!!

I wanted to send a special thanks to everyone who donated to LG's fund! You rock!

Thanks to SolarTech, I now have a professional grade UVB solarmeter!

Thanks to Big Apple Herp, I will have a brand new Capture the Sun mercury vapor bulb to test on!

A big huge thanks to T-Rex for the brand new Active UVHeat 100 watt bulb and the three bottles of Dragon Dust!

Thank you Alissa Gress (Bloomington, MN) for your gracious donation of the Sun Seeker 8.0 UVB bulb for research!

Christy graciously made a monetary donation to help with supplies and new cages. Thanks Christy! You can visit her website and chat on her forum at She also has wonderful hammocks for our scaley friends at very affordable prices!

Rob Talkington donated two bulbs to my research; a 160 watt Powersun and a 160 watt Capture the Sun. Thanks Rob!

Larry and Laurie, aka Taz and HarleyBabe of Love_My_Dragons, made a very generous donation to Beautiful Dragons. They live in Smethport, PA and have 14 dragons of their own. Thanks again Larry!

Thank you Joel and Tee Roberts for donating to our rescue! Your efforts will certainly make a difference! By the way, Hollywood says hello!

Kris M. of PostNet in Tigard, Oregon, graciously donated several 10 gallon aquariums, heating equipment, clamp on lamps, and supplements. Our rescued reptiles will definately benefit from your contribution. Thank you!

Rob Talkington donated over 500 silkworms (with chow) for our reptiles to enjoy! Rob bred the silkies himself and has been a strong, encouraging voice when things seemed to never go right. Thanks Rob!

Brad Rice made a large contribution to our rescue when Houdini was very ill. His donation helped pay for his vet care and expensive medications. Thanks Dad! We love you!

Melissa and Dean (Tina's/Tim's owner) donated a large amount of funds to help our rescue. These funds were used to purchase new UVB bulbs, a few enclosures, and other supplies our rescue desperately needed. Thank you so much for your generous donation!

Jim from Scotland made a monetary donation to the rescue. Thank you Jim!



If you have made a donation and do not see your name on the list, please email me and let me know. I don't intentionally leave people out, especially those who have donated and helped out the rescue. But sometimes I don't get to update this website as often as I'd like. Thank you for understanding.

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This website may not be copied or reproduced without my permission.